But on the brighter note, having buffet later ^^ WOOHOO, but then again fatssss. But ohwell, ever since I've started working here, I've been eating a lot. The food at cuppage plaza is really good and i keep eating their mix rice. Esp their eggplantttt! That's my favourite luhhh <3 Plus nowadays keep having dinner with mom and dad = good food = gain weight. Have been trying to exercise but I've lost my mojo during the second trng HAHHAHA! Okay at least I've attempted to run k >:( Not bad considering the fact that I've not been running for the past....3 mths HAHHAHA.Plus later gonna collect the new car ~ Gonna miss the old car thouuuu~
Anyway had been on a zilian mood lately HAHHAHA! Have been rather happy lately maybe cause the fact that my parents finally allowed me to stay in the hall ^^ Like what I've expected HAHA NTU material engineering. Just hope that I'll be able to enjoy school! IKR if my hair looks like this in real life, WALAO, but sadly, IT DOESN'T ): Plus Im planning to do gradient again ^^ This time no more red and just chestnut brown and blondeeee~ Hopefully it won't end up damn gross or something :/

Had dinner with the trackers on wed at slacker bar and cafe and the food seriously suckssss~ In pictures it looked damn good but when you eat it ))): DISAPPOINTMENT! Plus the music really URGHHHH. But the company was really good <3 So thankful for getting to know these people in Dunman High. Really LOVEEEE them a lotttt~
Okay luh, shall go prepare to go out alr ^^ Btw do watch the latest two episodes of running mannnn HAHHAHA! Its damn funny luhhh! Esp when Haha is so cute and Ricky Kim <3 Why so cute ah~ BYEEEEE
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