Saturday, April 21, 2012

This concert is probably the last and final concert. Initially I thought that friendships will last as long as someone will make the effort but in life I guess people come and go and you will just end up making new friends and forget about the past. Everything that's going on now seems so clear. I really wanna maintain it but I know it's not possible.

Maybe it's time for me to get certain things out of my chest. Need to start being an honest friend.

Maybe I'll change back to tumblr again cause it's damn hard to post stuff on blogger. Ohwell. BYEEE

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I like one-one conversation. It allows me to know someone more. Initially I thought I'm just totally different from him, like we think and act differently. But after today, I understand why he's like that. I guess it's just the type of environment we grow up with and past experiences. But ohwell, I know that he's being straight forward for my own good.

On the side note, I really don't like feeling guilty. Sian ji pua. Okay time to do something to make up for my mistakes. Ohwell.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


After 1 year and 4 months, it's finally over. Netball really let me realised that at times, life isn't all so peaceful. Maybe after so many peaceful years in Dunman High, I'm too used to listening to instructions. But ohwell, it's a new change environment and I'm so glad to get to know these bunch of little ducklings. Never been so close to my juniors it's the v.first time. But yeah, I really appreciate the sweet with the poppers and all. And the red embarrassing. Thank god there isn't many people there and not much photos as evidence so :D JIAYOU K MY LITTLE ONES (:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I really didn't see this coming. Honestly, it's actually the last thing on my mind. I didn't dare to tell her what exactly happened but honestly, what if it really deteriorated. I've been telling myself it's just cause I'm out of form, I haven't been training as vigorously as before but what if it's really not cause of that. There are just so many things to think about, so many decisions to make, so many sacrifices...

On a side note, I really hope you will read this, I'm really not in the best of mood so stop it. Especially today, if you think it's really funny, keep it to yourself then. If it's really torture to your eyes or it's too horrific, then don't look at all. I didn't choose to be like that. I've already give in a lot of times, trying to tolerate everything and honestly I'm reaching my threshold.

Seriously I'm really reaching my limits already. Both physically and mentally exhausted. I can't push myself when it comes to sports, I need much more sleep than usual cause my body isn't functioning as well as before, I don't feel as happy as before cause nothing seems to be going well for me. Have been telling myself to keep positive, to just tolerate all these nonsense but how much longer?

Really can't wait to get out of JC, do whatever I want is just too short. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Really thankful for my results. Honestly. I've learn to appreciate life and the people around me. Although it's check up again, I guess I should be thankful that I don't need to do the horrible stupid scanning every year. But then again, 3yrs is up so I still have to do it tmr. But honestly thank god for
  1. My results
  2. For helping me emotionally, sorting up my thoughts
  3. For helping me to get over, to get a closure to what I've been hanging on for a long time
  4. For the awesome and wonderful people around me, consistently making school not so boring. 
For now, I need to be more discipline. I need to stop feeling so tired. GAHHH. Slept for another 2 hours again :/ Time to sleep now. BYE (:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Had been a long time ever since I've just sit on my table for hours just staring at the computer to do my sketching. Although it's not entirely complete in term of shades, Hopefully it looks proportionate? HAHA. Will try to do more of this in the future if there's time. I really really wanna master the art of drawing faces. Being able to do the proportion itself is really such a tough job, not to to mention the skin texture itself. That's why i hate drawing smooth surface. HEH

On a sad note, my lips are freaking itchy now, the swell isn't that bad as before but it's still damn dry. Ohwell. Maybe it's time to see a skin doctor soon.

Monday, April 2, 2012

LAA bootcamp

I'm really glad I've decided to go for this camp. Got to know people from v.different paths coming together to work together. Although I'm not one of the participants but I've really learnt a lot from this. It's amazing how having a common goal could bring strangers to bond tgt so quickly. It really got me thinking about my ambition in the future. Maybe doing something related to design may not be related to architecture or product design. Maybe art teacher will be interesting too. Hopefully I'll be able to find out what i really wanna be soon. My future seems so blur now.

Maybe I should start drawing more often. Not should, it's i choose to (: HAHA. Okay back to official work. Bye (: