Kimberly, Kaimin and Jiayi, always there to listen to me or like just being damn crap, making me really happy. Although Sharon and Fanghua left but honestly I'm really thankful for the 3 of yall. Like although we don't hang out as often as last time, or like talk as much as last time, we still make an effort to come tgt. Really appreciate y'all for being in my life (:
Fanghua and Sharon: Although we haven't been like going out much, but finally I'll get to see yall tmr (: Hopefully everything is going okay in RJC (: Go out more often k!
4C'10: The good old times with all of yall, honestly never felt so bonded and inclined towards a class. Everyone just mix around, talk crap. And I have to thank specific people such as
Sean: HAHA! I don't know will you be reading this but so thankful for you being in 5c34/6c34 HAHAH! Suay for you but ohwell, HEHE. Anyway although I always complain that you're really annoying (yes, at times you can really PISS me off like )(*(^&%$^$%^) But you're a really good friend (: JIAYOU with her k ^^ HAHA
Richmond: Got closer to you this year and thanks for like always accompanying me when I'm like sian or whatsoever. Thanks for being such a good brother, honestly (: Anyway i know you'll do well! Since you're like so hardworking. HEHE! Jiayou bro! NO matter what i'll support you k!
Isaac: Heh, thanks for some of your encouragements when I'm feeling down or whatsoever. Feels really good to know that someone feels the same way like me ^^ YOU ANOTHER ONE, jiayou! GET YOUR SCHOLARSHIP HOR SMARTASS!
Amanda: HAHA! WHY ARE YOU STAYING AT THE WEST! Sia luh. Anyway i owe you this HEHE! Anyway thanks for being such a good friend. Seriously your jokes are really epic and thanks for always helping me with HW! Ohyeah and accompanying me when i'm like a lonelygirl94# I dont know what will i do without you! MUACKSSSS
Michelle: Thanks for always being there and giving me LOGICAL advices HAHAHAH! GO OUT MORE K! STUDYYYY! Although we're not as close as last time, our RANDOM eating icecream sessions...But I'm glad that we always update each other about random stuffs (:
Anthony: HAHA! Thanks for always being my backup, when I'm like all alone, finding ppl during free period, YOURE ALWAYS THERE! Yup! Eh i want more cooking sessions ^^
Toon: WA, seriously haven catch up for a longggg time but I'm glad you're more optimistic now. Jiayou for a lvl smartass (:
Matthew: Although we haven't been catching up much compared to last time, I'm really thankful for you for like always taking initiative to organise 4C outings. Thanks so much manzxz. I'll always rmb our 35 years old thing hor! HAHHA! Joking luh! Faster go find the girl of your type and marry her HEHE!
Netball girls: HAHA! I'm so thankful for these bunch of girls too. Although they're like always so talkative, so playful, so irritaitng HAHAHHAHA! But yup, so thankful for being a part of netball, making my whole netball journey a lil not so miserable HAHAHAH! I'm just joking! Anyway so thankful for them for always getting so high and so energetic during trainings. Thanks for making my day a good one (: Ending it with a high note HEHE!
Chantalle + Kimblurly: Although we don't meet up as much as year 4s, but I really do appreciate you two for being with me during the darkest moments of my life. Yup, really glad that we still catch up occasionally but yup, GO OUT MORE AFTER A LVLS (:
Raey: HAHA my good old friend. I wanna go to your house soon! Anyway thanks for accepting me as your friend. HAHAHA Okay this sounds retarded but I know I've been such a disappointing friend ): As usual. So sorry for like forgetting your bday this day. I know it's not an excuse to say cause I've lost track of time but AHHH. I will make up to you after A lvl k!
WenKai: HAHA Hello retarded one. Thanks for being such an idiot in class. HAHA! Okay luh, to be honest, thanks for always giving me the retarded face. HONESTLY one day I'll take photo of all these photos and like POST IT ON FACEBOOK! To take revenge. Okay joking. But thanks for being an ass HAHA! And making me irritated almost everyday (:
YH: Although I'm not sure if you'll read this, but yup, I'll forget the former. (:
So thankful for these people (: Anyway i find this rather amusing (:
I wonder who took this. HAHAHA! Anyway SHALL END HERE! BYEEE
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