Had dinner with my little babies today. HAHA! Looking after them can be physically tiring man, especially when Yanwen is not around. Have to force some of them to walk faster, nag at them, look after them...god, Im getting old manxzx. Anyway had a great time with the girls. Usual retarded story sharing session + great food. A lil ex but it's worth it HAHA!

Yanwen and i decided to spam put our pretty faces on Yuxuan iphone. HAHA so cute luhhh ^^
Ohgreat it's saturday (: Love the weekends!
Going out with Chantalle + Kimblurly tmr (: MBS! HEHE! Haven been talking to them for a long time luh! Okay better go to sleep now. SO TIRED. So sorry kitty kimberly, I'll leave my mondays for you k ^^
Going to sleep now byeee
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